Monday 26 September 2011

S/S Goth T-Shirt

To make up for the lack of posts, here's another real life version I found. It's called S/S Goth T-Shirt. It was in the Fallen Angel shop a while ago for 5 stardollars and in the Archive shop a little later. It got sold out pretty fast, sadly. I think it's kind of a classic though.

Real life version by god knows who:


  1. It's beautiful but I think that if someone is good in Design then it's easy to copy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like this top, and I'm glad for buying for a good price, 'cause its a rare item now :)

  4. I love this top!!! And as Jany said, I'm glad for buying this for a good price too ^^ it's a beautiful top... both versions!!!
