Saturday, 20 February 2010

Black Lace Dress

The Tingeling brand is suppose to be costumes & similar, but sometimes there's amazing clothes there. An example of how amazing they can be is this dress you've all probably seen before, the Black Lace Dress.

It was originally Superstar and costed 6$, so not expensive at all. People aren't really selling it, atleast I don't see it very often, which indicates they really like it. You've gotta admit, it's pretty beautiful.
In real life, it was a part of Alexander McQueen's collection, I'm not really sure which one, but here's a picture:


  1. I have this on my other account but I'm not sure if I have this on Black_mermaid :3

  2. Thats always a dress I have stopped to look at!
    Its quite a dress!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ^^Ha ha Ignore that...I removed it myself, I was just er...testing something!!
    Just ignore the little retard I call myself!
