Monday 27 September 2010

New Sanrio Friends (Hello Kitty) shop

There's a new shop coming up. Unfortunately it's very.. pink. I'm not sure if anyone likes Hello Kitty, but I really don't see the point of having it everywhere so I don't really like this shop.

Click to enlarge.
EDIT: Here's the toys link.


  1. I like the shop 3:
    Of course not all of the things - but those little Sanrio toys definately will find a place in my suite :D

  2. Well, I have never ever liked Hello Kitty x) =O
    I even don't understand why people are so... "addicted" to it^^ :)
    I am only waiting soooooooooooo long for Halloween's shop !! :3 =D

  3. Only the toys are nice, especially the black kitty, but everythingg else...Ew ://

  4. heh.... I freaking love Hello Kitty xDD I have a little *cough huge cough* obssesion with her and her friends xD But I was really hoping for the penguin!!
